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To each and every one of you who has fallen in love with the Dragon Kings.
For those who have just come to the series, for those who have been there from the beginning, for those who came in between—this one is for you.
Dear Reader,
I can’t believe it’s time for this book. I’ve been in the Dark World for so long that it’s like an old friend who I always turn to. I’ve long held a love of dragons. No other mythical creature can be found in every culture all over the world. They’ve fascinated me for as long as I can remember.
I still recall the day I told my editor I wanted to write dragons. She didn’t even hesitate before she told me to do it. At that moment, the Dragon Kings were born. They might be a spinoff of the Dark Sword/Dark Warrior series, but they’ve been waiting a very, very long time to have their stories told.
I look back to October of 2008 when I got my first contract with St. Martin’s Press for the Dark Sword series. I knew it was going to be over six books, but I had no idea then that I’d move from setting the books in Medieval Scotland for the Dark Sword series to modern-day Scotland for the Dark Warriors. I also had no idea that I’d be asked twice to spin off the series.
The Dark World now includes the Dark Sword, Dark Warrior, Dark Kings, and Reaper series. It’s been four series, eleven years, and fifty-four books and counting. I’m amazed, humbled, and truly thankful for each of you going on this incredible journey with me.
Which brings me to Constantine, King of Dragon Kings. From the very beginning, I knew he would be a character that readers would wonder if they should love or hate. I wanted each of you to see how difficult it is to be a leader, to have him make the arduous decisions—and live with the consequences. To me, there’s nothing more real, more endearing than a character with flaws that we not only recognize but also see in ourselves.
I’ve gotten so many emails from readers telling me how much they hate Con after reading some books. Then I’ll get more emails after others from fans telling me how much they love him and wish they could find a Con of their own. That’s exactly the type of response a writer wants to hear. Mostly because I was right there with you, wondering what the hell he was doing, and screaming at him to make the right decisions.
I distinctly remember writing Ulrik’s book and wondering if he would ever live up to expectations. That book nearly killed me to write. It was a constant roller coaster of emotions, leaving me mentally exhausted. And I can say with all honesty that Con’s book has been even worse. There were days when I felt like I had to give a piece of my soul just to get the words on the page. This is the longest book I’ve ever written, and the most demanding, punishing, and grueling. Partly because it’s the last book of this story arc, and a bit because Con has been such a force.
But mostly because I truly love these characters. I feel their pain and happiness, their triumphs and their losses. And when you’ve been with characters for this long, they’re inevitably going to wring you dry of all emotions and then demand you give them more.
For so long, I couldn’t wait to get to this book and get the words down. But when it came time to write, I hesitated. Not because the words weren’t there, but because I knew this was the last book in an era that had defined my career in ways I can’t even begin to explain. It’s not the end of the Dragon Kings, Warriors, Fae, or Druids. I’ve been in this world entirely too long to say good-bye so easily. I can’t tell you when I’ll get back to writing the Dragon Kings, but I know I can’t leave them. Not just yet.
There are more characters waiting to have their stories told. More villains who think they can finally defeat the Kings and their allies. More love to be found, and couples to learn about, root for, and ship.
Until then, we have the Reapers. And boy, do they know how to kick some arse. Besides, I’m dying to write a specific Reaper’s story. It’s been a long time coming, and I know it’s going to be another tough one, simply because I adore him so.
For more information about the Dark World, please visit
ANSON, KING OF BROWNS—Blaze. Possession.
ARIAN, KING OF TURQUOISE—Dragon King. Controls weather.
ASHER, KING OF HUNTER GREENS—Dragon Fever. Heals dragon fire burns.
BANAN, KING OF DARK BLUES—Dawn’s Desire/Dark Heat. Hallucinations.
CAIN, KING OF NAVY—Flame. Cone of hot sand.
CINáED, KING OF MOONSTONE—Dragon Claimed. Can learn anything.
DARIUS, KING OF DARK PURPLES—Smoldering Hunger. Power is secret.
DMITRI, KING OF WHITES—Firestorm. Thought cancelation.
DORIAN, KING OF CORALS—Dragon Night. Invisibility.
GUY, KING OF REDS—Night’s Awakening/Dark Heat. Erase memories.
HALDEN AKA HAL, KING OF EMERALD GREENS—Dark Craving/Dark Heat. Sleep gas.
KELLAN, KING OF BRONZE—Darkest Flame. Finds metal.
KELTAN, KING OF CITRINE—Fever. Can cook anything.
KIRIL, KING OF BURNT ORANGE—Burning Desire. Freeze.
LAITH, KING OF BLACKS—Hot Blooded. Paralyzing gas.
MERRILL, KING OF ORANGES—Breath of searing light.
NIKOLAI, KING OF IVORIES—Heat. Projected thermography.
RHYS, KING OF YELLOWS—Night’s Blaze. Calls shadows.
ROMAN, KING OF PALE BLUES—Dragonfire. Controls metals.
ROYDEN, KING OF BEIGES—Dragon Lost. Blinding light.
RYDER, KING OF GREYS—Smoke and Fire. Weakness.
SEBASTIAN, KING OF STEELS—Dragon Burn. Breath bolt of electricity.
THORN, KING OF CLARETS—Passion Ignites. Sound manipulation.
TRISTAN, KING OF AMBERS—Fire Rising. Get into someone’s mind.
ULRIK, KING OF SILVERS—Torched. Bring back to life/kill souls.
VAREK, KING OF LICHENS—Energy draining shadows.
VAUGHN, KING OF TEALS—Dream manipulation.
VLAD AKA V, KING OF COPPERS—Ignite. Can mask himself in dragon form.
I knew what I wanted. And nothing was going to stop me.
In the beginning …
From his earliest memory, Constantine had been mesmerized by the beauty of the world. It didn’t matter where he went, every inch of it was stunning. From the vast deserts full of sand, to the snow-covered peaks reaching high into the clouds. The grass that stretched endlessly from horizon to horizon, to the deep blue seas that constantly beckoned him to explore, and all the places in between.
Hot or cold. Wet or dry. He didn’t care. He loved the realm with every fiber of his being.
But not even that could compare to his devotion to the dragons.
sp; His father had brought him from the cave the day after he’d learned to fly and told Con to look up. As soon as Con did, the sun was blocked by the numerous Golds that had taken to the sky to honor their new King.
Con’s father joined them in their flight. Not wanting to be left out, Con eagerly flapped his small wings and found a current. His mother remained beside him, helping Con reach his father so the three of them could fly together.
In that instant, in that very moment, Con knew that he would be the King of Golds one day. He didn’t know how or when, or even where the thought had come from, but he was certain.
Years passed. Good years, and not-so-good years. He found friends, trained hard, and soaked up every bit of wisdom he could from those around him. The more knowledge he gained, the more he wanted.
Before he knew it, his mother was gone. It was just him and his father. Con grieved deeply, but during that time, he felt the first stirrings that he was meant for something more. It didn’t take him long to realize what it was—he was to be the King of Golds.
Con said nothing to his father. Instead, he began watching the current King. He did it for as long as he could until Con could no longer ignore the insistence of the magic within him that demanded he claim what he had been chosen for.
He and his father flew over their territory to watch the sunrise as they had for many years. As they reached the spot where they always turned to head back, Con instead remained on course and went straight to the King without telling his father what he planned.
The King had seen Con watching him. He was a smart King, a good King. And he knew.
The battle was savage, violent. The King was ruthless.
But so was Con.
Constantine knew the magic had chosen him. He trusted that and didn’t give up, no matter how deep his wounds or how badly he ached.
By the time Con reared back to deliver the killing blow, the King was ready for it. Con saw it in his eyes. Even so, Con hesitated. He didn’t want to kill. He loved life and protected every living thing around him. And he remembered flying in recognition of this very King so long ago.
It appalled him to have to take a life to become King.
“It’s our way,” the King told him. “Take your place. You’re strong. You’ll lead our people well.”
Con closed his eyes as he ended the dragon’s life to become the King of Golds.
When he lifted his lids, his father stood before him, pride shining in his eyes. After rejoicing for a moment, Con made sure that they gave the previous King a proper burial, a memorial as he deserved.
The next years were busy, but every morning, Con made sure to meet his father for their flight. Yet there was no denying that his sire was lonely and still grieved for his mother, deeply.
One morning, his father hadn’t wanted to end their flight at their normal time. Despite the duties awaiting Con, he remained with his sire for the rest of the day. By the time the sun had set, his father’s soul had joined his mother’s.
Leaving Con alone.
Except he wasn’t totally alone. He had friends. The first to visit was Ulrik. They didn’t say a word. Simply sat in silence. It was enough that Ulrik was there. The brother he’d never had.
Ulrik was the only one who knew that Con wanted to be King of Dragon Kings. While others were finding mates and having families, Con had turned his focus on his clan. They were the strongest of the dragons, the ones others sought to have as allies. Con strengthened them more, tightening bonds between friends, and creating new allies.
When the day came that he felt the call of the magic inside him once more, he knew what it meant. This time, he was prepared. He’d spent his years as King of Golds, watching the King of Kings. So, when the magic pushed him, he didn’t hesitate to challenge their leader.
And when he stood over the fallen dragon and watched as every Dragon King on the realm stood before him and lowered their heads in deference, he knew this was his destiny.
Life was good. Very good. As well as extremely busy, but Con loved every minute of it.
“You have females trying to get your attention,” Ulrik said via their mental link.
Con turned his head from watching dragons train as Ulrik landed beside him. “I’m aware.”
“Do none of them appeal to you?”
Con sighed. Ulrik had asked this many times, and quite frankly, Con was tired of answering it. “You know they doona.”
“I’m hoping you’ll finally tell me why.”
Con looked toward the Dragonwood. “Come with me.”
He flew off with Ulrik right behind him. Con didn’t stop until he found the clearing in the wood where the magic felt the strongest to him.
Once they landed, he faced Ulrik and said, “I can remember being just days old when I joined my parents in flight to celebrate our new King.”
“Aye. You’ve told me about it,” Ulrik said, his obsidian dragon eyes observant.
“What I didna tell you was that, on that day, I knew I’d be King.”
“Most younglings want to be King.”
“I didna want it. I knew it. There’s a difference.”
Ulrik’s eyes widened. “I see. And your current role?”
Con shrugged but didn’t look away. “What would you say if I told you that I also had a feeling some time ago that I would be King of Kings?”
“I know you’ve wanted it for some time. It was obviously meant to be yours.”
“Then I hope you will understand what I’m about to tell you. I will have a mate.”
Ulrik chuckled softly. “I sincerely hope so. There’s many a female dying for you to pick them.”
“It willna be a dragon.”
Ulrik’s smile died. “How is that possible?”
“I can no’ explain it. It’s just something I know. Here,” Con said and touched his chest where his heart was.
Ulrik blew out a breath. “Looks like we better prepare for the future, because if your mate isna a dragon, then something is coming.”
Something else had come.
How naïve Con had been to gleefully look forward to such an event. The mortals had changed everything.
Con stared at the rising sun, his mind drifting back in time. He wondered what his father would have said if he were here now. His sire had been wise, always thinking through every scenario to ensure that he took the best path.
If only Con had been able to do the same. Though hindsight was 20/20. Still, if Con hadn’t known with such certainty that his mate wasn’t a dragon, he might not have welcomed the humans so quickly.
Doona lie to yourself.
He closed his eyes and blew out a frustrated breath. No matter how much he hated it, his conscience was right. He detested killing so much that he wouldn’t have done that to the mortals. And sending them off to find another realm would’ve been akin to murder.
“I had no other choice,” he whispered as he opened his eyes to the first rays of light cresting the mountains surrounding Dreagan.
His aversion to taking a life had put him and his Kings where they were now—hiding and fighting for their very existence. He had no idea where the dragons were. Not a day went by that he didn’t think of his Golds, wondering if they were safe and thriving. All the while, praying that he hadn’t sent them to their deaths.
He’d been feeling a lot of regret lately. In fact, there seemed to be no end to it. But maybe, just maybe, if he were lucky, he could change a few things before his time was up.
Con wasn’t sure if he was prepared for the challenge. And, quite frankly, he was having a hard time finding the courage to start. Yet all he had to do was think about his brethren, and he knew he’d do whatever it took to ensure their happiness and survival. Not because it was his obligation, but because the Dragon Kings and their mates were his family.
He inwardly winced when he heard a knock at the door. In all the millions of years that he’d been King of Kings, he h
ad never refused a King entrance.
But that’s exactly what he did now.
If he was going to begin righting all the wrong decisions he’d made, he couldn’t talk to anyone. They would tell him that he had done the right thing before. That there was no need to change anything.
And they’d be lying.
That was the type of Kings he had. They were the bravest of dragons, the best of men. The only reason he had gotten through so many eons was because of them. They had needed him, and that allowed him to compartmentalize his sorrow and loneliness to focus on them.
It hadn’t been the healthiest thing to do. He’d known that it would all come back on him like an avalanche of misery and torment someday. In truth, however, he’d honestly thought he would be dead long before it did.
That hadn’t happened, though. Instead, he was faced with a deluge of regret, anger, desolation, sadness, heartache, and despair.
This was his punishment for not dealing with those feelings when they first came to him. He’d pushed them aside, telling himself that the Kings needed him, when in fact, they hadn’t. He was the one who needed them.
All this time, he had been the weakest of them all. He had no idea why the magic had chosen him to be King of Kings, especially knowing all the wrong decisions he’d made that had brought the powerful dragons to what they were now.
“Con!” Ulrik bellowed in his head. “I’m going to stand outside the office and bang on the door until you open it. Or would you rather I rip it down? You know nothing can keep me out.”
That wasn’t true, and they both knew it. Every Dragon King had magic, but none was stronger or more potent than Con’s—and he’d made sure that when his door was shut, the only way it could be opened was upon his command.
No one could tear it down—or rip it down—unless he allowed it.
“Con,” Ulrik pleaded. “I’m worried. Talk to me before you do something we’ll both regret.”