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Prince of Love Page 5

  Katrina sighed with pleasure that began to heat her blood. When Sorin's hand moved to her sex and parted her women's lips, she sucked in a shaky breath. His finger moved softly over her pearl stroking it, teasing the tiny bud until she felt herself grow damp.

  She wanted him inside her, to feel his heat and his hardness, but he held her still. The pleasure was intense, blinding and felt oh, so glorious. She never wanted it to stop.

  But she wanted more.

  More of Sorin.

  Her hips moved against his hand seeking fulfilment. She was close to peaking, so close to going over the edge and experiencing the wonderful emotions.

  But Sorin moved his hand and gripped her hips. Her gaze snapped to his to see one side of his mouth lifted in a grin and his beautiful brown gaze darkened with desire. Before she could ask him what he was about, he lifted her.

  Katrina's mouth opened on a gasp as he slowly lowered her atop his shaft. He filled her inch by delicious inch until he was fully sheathed.

  For a moment Katrina couldn't move the pleasure was so beautiful. But she knew what awaited them both.

  The need to move, to feel him within her was too great to ignore. She pushed against his hands and sucked in a breath at the friction and the exquisite shot of desire that travelled through her.

  She rotated her hips again and heard him groan as his fingers dug into her hips. Katrina couldn't stop the grin that pulled at her lips. She felt powerful, knowing it was her movement that caused him to feel such pleasure.

  After the beautiful experience he'd introduced her to the night before, she wanted to do this for him. To give him the same joy, the same pleasure he had given her.

  Her own desire spiked, and she moved her hips faster. She heard Sorin whisper her name as his hands moved to cup her breasts. His thumbs stroked her nipples, making them into hard little buds.

  Katrina's head dropped back. She moaned and her sex clenched around him. A low groan tore from his throat and he pinched her nipples. She gasped and moved her hips faster, needing more of him with each heartbeat. He seemed to sense her need and moved his hips in time with hers.

  Her desire built rapidly. She could feel herself reaching the pinnacle, knew it was close. And then it hit.

  She screamed his name as she fell forward and braced her hands on his muscular chest. Her body spasmed around him, her breath locked in her throat. But Sorin had gripped her hips and thrust deep inside of her. He gave a shout and she felt him spill his seed.

  Her chest rose and fell rapidly as she slowly opened her eyes to see Sorin watching her.

  "You're going to be the death of me,” he groaned.

  She laughed and leaned over him for a kiss. “I'll gladly die a little death every time we make love."

  His hands moved over her back, caressing her skin as only a lover could do. “You've made me the happiest man in the world, Katrina."

  She laid her head on his chest as he blew out the candle. They had a long journey ahead of them that started at dawn.

  * * * *

  Sorin checked the saddle on Katrina's mare once more as she finished her goodbyes to her family. She had blinked back the tears all morning, but no one could blame her for shedding them now.

  He took her hand as she walked to him. “I'm sorry you have to leave them."

  She shook her head and wiped away her tears. “All women must leave their families when they marry."

  Sorin said no more as he lifted her atop the horse. After a brief nod to her father, Sorin mounted and they were off. He wanted to run his horse all the way to the gates of Drahcir he was so excited about returning, but he somehow kept the horse at a walk.

  The perfect plan would be to travel during the day in open spaces so the Tnarg couldn't sneak up on them then bed down at an inn. But Sorin knew they wouldn't get that lucky. Their journey would take them through deep forests and high into the mountains.

  The Tnarg would most certainly attack. Just where, Sorin wished he knew.

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  Chapter Eight

  Katrina was so tired of looking between her mare's ears that she didn't even feel the cold anymore. They had been travelling for nearly two weeks with no sign of the Tnarg.

  Though Sorin hadn't wanted her father's men, he'd been glad to have them in the darkest hours of the night. Katrina herself had been protected intensely. Had the Tnarg attacked, it would have had to go through six men and Sorin before it got to her.

  Their horse's hooves were muffled in the deep snow, and she tried not to feel frightened now that her father's men had left them.

  "I couldn't chance them finding the way,” Sorin said for the second time.

  "I understand,” she said though half of her really didn't.

  Sorin sighed. “I would have liked the protection for you though."

  "Maybe the Tnarg has given up."

  A snort was her answer. “Don't ever think that, love. It won't give up until Keiran has returned with his mate. Until then, it'll be after us."

  "Wonderful,” she murmured.

  She blinked several times to rid her eyelashes of the new snow that had begun to fall. She couldn't see two strides in front of her.

  "Are you sure we're headed in the right direction?"

  Sorin chuckled. “Aye. If we're lucky, we'll reach the gates of Drahcir by nightfall. I don't want to spend another night without the guards your father loaned us."

  "Nay, I'd rather not do that either.” A chill raced down her spine. She was bundled in a heavy fur lined cloak her father had given to her just before she had left and thick gloves, but still she shivered.

  Every breath she took burned her lungs, and all she wanted was the feel of a soft, warm bed. And Sorin.

  "What are you smiling at?” he asked.

  "I'm thinking of once again having you in my bed. We haven't had any privacy since we left Invergarry."

  Sorin laughed. “I told you I would have given you pleasure any time you wanted it."

  "Aye, but not with the men there.” She shook her head. “They would have stared."

  He reached over and squeezed her hand. “Even a monk couldn't look away from your face or hear your cries as you peak, my love."

  "You're only saying that because you're my husband."

  "Hmmmm,” he growled. “I love the sound of that, wife."

  She giggled. “And I like the sound of that."

  "I'm going to enjoy having you as my wife."

  "Is that so?” It was then she realised she had no idea what was expected of her. “I'm really going to be a princess?"

  He kissed her nose and smiled. “Aye, with all the privileges that go with it. Be prepared though. You'll be Princess Katrina in Drahcir."

  She bit her lip at his words. “Princess. It's still difficult to believe that you are a prince and I'll be a princess. I thought royalty was only allowed to marry royalty."

  "If our mates were royalty, then that's who we would marry,” he said with a shrug. “Our kingdom doesn't care that you aren't royalty. What matters is that you're the best woman for me. There is a bond between us that can only be broken with death. Nothing and no one can come between us."

  She took a deep breath and smiled. “I like hearing that. I imagine most women would like that kind of assurance with the men they marry."

  "Now, that's not to say we won't have our share of arguments,” he cautioned. “I can be a bit stubborn."

  "A bit?” she asked with a laugh. “That's putting it mildly. But I may as well tell you that I have a bit of a temper myself."

  They shared a laugh and linked hands. Katrina couldn't wait to meet her new family. Every day on their journey to Drahcir, she and Sorin had exchanged stories of their families and childhoods.

  She knew secrets about him he hadn't even shared with his brothers. She had been an only child, so she was anxious to meet Sorin's brothers and their wives. She prayed they got along well.

  "Don't be nervous,” Sorin said as if
reading her thoughts. “Everyone will love you."

  "How can you be sure?"

  "Because I do."

  Her gaze jerked to his as she pulled on the reins to stop her mare. “What?"

  He grinned. “Is it such a surprise, wife? I would have thought you knew how I felt already."

  "I ... I had no idea,” she mumbled. “I knew you cared for me, but I just assumed our love would grow over the years."

  "Not mine.” His gaze refused to let hers go.

  And she finally admitted to what she knew had been growing in her heart since the first day she met him. “I love you."

  "I know,” he said with a wickedly charming grin. “I've just been waiting for you to realise it."

  "Oh, you're impossible,” she said and turned her head away. “What's that?” she asked and pointed ahead of them.

  Sorin sighed loudly. They had finally reached the pass. “It's the pass to Drahcir. Sheer snow and ice walls line each side. It's narrow, too. You'll have to ride in front of me."

  "In front?” she echoed.

  He nodded. “I don't want you behind me where I cannot protect you."

  "It's a perfect place for an attack, isn't it?"

  He hadn't wanted to tell her, but he should have known she'd see it. She was smart and intuitive.

  "Aye,” he admitted reluctantly.

  "Then let's go. I'm tired of fearing for my life."

  He grinned at his little warrior wife. Every moment he was with her he loved her more, if that were possible.

  "Here,” he said and handed her a dagger from his boot.

  She looked at the weapon then back up at him.

  "I'd rather know you have a weapon to defend yourself with. Please, Katrina."

  She took it from him and stuffed it into her boot. “We're not going to need it,” she said confidently. “It's left us alone. It'll continue to do so."

  He let her lie to herself, but couldn't help but hold out the same hope as she did. They were so close to Drahcir, so close to fulfilling the curse.

  A few moments later they were travelling through the pass. Sorin kept his gaze above him, looking for any signs the Tnarg was following them. But he saw nothing.

  Yet, he couldn't shake the feeling it was near. Very near.

  As they moved slowly through the pass, it seemed much longer than it ever had. Part of him wanted to kick the horses into a gallop, but the snow was too deep for them to do anything more than walk.

  Then he saw it, the end of the pass. Excitement rushed through him. He was so close to home he wanted to shout.

  He looked over his shoulder once more but saw nothing. When they neared the end of the pass, he let out a breath. If the Tnarg had thought of attacking, it would have already done it.

  Once they reached the end, he nudged his horse beside Katrina's and smiled at the large gate to their left. “We're here,” he whispered.

  Just as expected, the gates swung inward, welcoming them into Drahcir. Sorin saw his parents and Elric and Lucian with their mates. He had made it, he was home.

  His family's smiles faltered as they began to shout. Sorin's heart dropped to his feet, for he knew of only one thing that would make his family react so. Elric and Lucian both drew their swords, but Sorin knew they wouldn't be allowed to leave Drahcir to help him.

  "Katrina, listen to me,” he said calmly. “Get off the horse and run as fast as you can to the gates. Don't stop, and whatever you do, don't look back."

  "Sorin, nay,” she said. Her hands shook as she gripped her reins.

  "Remember, I love you,” he said and spun his horse around to find the Tnarg behind them. “Run, Katrina,” he yelled and unsheathed his sword for an attack.

  The Tnarg's long claws ripped open the horse's chest. The horse screamed in pain, and Sorin leapt from it just before the mount collapsed into the snow. He got to his feet and tried to push thoughts of Katrina and their future from his mind.

  Sorin knew he couldn't win with the Tnarg. Nor did he think he could make it to the gates in time. He didn't relish his family seeing him slaughtered either.

  He had precious few choices.

  "You should have just let me have her,” the Tnarg said. “You could have saved your family seeing you sliced into little pieces."

  "Just get on with it,” Sorin said.

  He had just begun to recover from his other wounds, so he knew he wouldn't move as quickly as he normally did. But he did have his sword back.

  Unlike before, he waited for the beast to attack. As soon as it did, Sorin went down on one knee and slashed with his sword.

  The Tnarg howled and gripped its arm as blood dripped into the snow. Sorin grinned and rose to his feet.

  "As I said, get on with it,” he taunted.

  He knew he wouldn't get away with that move twice, but he also knew it was essential that he continue to wound the creature without letting it get him. That in itself would be a miracle.

  Sorin waited. The Tnarg bared its teeth and growled, its red eyes glowing. It was angry now.

  It flew at Sorin, knocking him to the ground and straddling him. His sword flew from his hand just out of reach. The Tnarg wasted no time in using its claws.

  The Tnarg held up a claw and lengthened its nails before slowly raking them down Sorin's chest. He clenched his jaw, determined not to cry out.

  Surely, Katrina had made it safely to the gates by now. At least Sorin prayed she had. He knew he wouldn't last long without a weapon.

  He turned his head and saw his sword just out of his reach. He stretched his hand for it and a cry of pain escaped his lips as the Tnarg pushed its claws into Sorin's side.

  Sorin could feel his hot, sticky blood pool from his sides into the thick snow. His life drained from him just as quickly as his blood did.


  Suddenly, the Tnarg's claws vanished from his side as the creature threw back his head and bellowed in pain. Sorin opened his eyes to find Katrina behind the beast.

  The Tnarg clawed at something in its back as it fell off of him. And then Katrina's arms wrapped around him.

  "We have to get into the gates, Sorin,” she said.

  He stumbled to his feet and leaned against her. The gate was so far away that Sorin knew they wouldn't make it.

  "You should have gone to my family."

  She blew out a breath. “You're being stubborn. I'm not going to stand by and watch you die. Now, move those feet,” she demanded.

  Sorin grinned and moved faster. He looked over his shoulder to see the Tnarg had managed to pull the dagger from its back.

  "We've got to hurry,” Sorin whispered.

  He gritted his teeth and pushed aside the pain as he grabbed Katrina's hand and sprinted to the gates. His family stood at the entrance yelling at them to run faster.

  Sorin didn't need to look behind him to know the Tnarg was gaining on them. They were nearly to the gates, just a few more steps and they'd be safe.

  And then Sorin landed on his face in the snow only to be pulled out of Katrina's arms.

  "Nay,” she screamed and started after him.

  "You're mine,” the Tnarg bellowed as it raised its claw to slash open Sorin's chest.

  Instead, Katrina kicked it in the face. Sorin jumped to his feet raced to the gate with his wife. As soon as they were over the Drahcir threshold, they collapsed on the ground in each other's arms.

  "Well,” Katrina said. “That was eventful. I don't think I want to do that again though."

  Laughter sounded around them and Sorin raised his head to see his family surrounding him. He leaned down and kissed Katrina, and despite his injuries, despite the crowd around him, all he wanted to do was bury himself inside of her. And he would, too. Just as soon as they got to the palace.

  "We made it,” he whispered.

  "Aye,” she said and cupped his face. “We did, you stubborn man."

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  Chapter Nine

  The first thing Katrina n
oticed about Drahcir was the warmth. She and Sorin were helped to their feet and a beautiful woman with auburn hair and hazel eyes took her cloak from her.

  "You won't be needing that,” she said. “By the way, I'm Marin, and this is Isabella."

  Katrina turned to the dark headed woman with the striking blue eyes next to Marin and smiled. “'Tis a pleasure."

  The two women grinned before moving to Sorin. Katrina turned to find two men who resembled Sorin. The one with black hair and eyes moved to her first.

  "Welcome to the family, Katrina,” he said and bowed over her hand. “I'm Lucian. The idiot next to me is Elric."

  Elric with his dark brown hair and green eyes punched Lucian in the arm before turning to her. “Forgive him,” Elric said. “He has no idea just how foolish he is."

  Strong arms wrapped around her, giving her more pleasure from his simple touch than she thought possible. Katrina leaned back against Sorin. “You're injured. Again."

  He chuckled. “You can tend to me later. Now, let me introduce you to my parents. Urises and Morag."

  Katrina started to curtsy when the queen took her arm. “No need, dear,” she said with kind brown eyes. “We're so blessed and grateful to have you in the family."

  "Thank you,” Katrina said. Her mother had died when she was but a small child and her father had never remarried, so the thought of having a mother again brought tears to her eyes.

  "Welcome, daughter,” King Urises said as he took her hand. “You were very brave to help Sorin the way you did. We were unable to do so. You've shown your worth as only a mate of Drahcir can. It is a privilege to have you in our family."

  "Come,” Queen Morag said. “We need to clean up Sorin."

  Katrina moved to his side and wrapped an arm around him, careful of the wounds on his side. She turned and saw the palace atop the mountain with bright blue skies dotted with puffy clouds. The road beneath them was made of the most unusual, beautiful blue stone that seemed to capture the colour of the sky in its depths.

  The white buildings and homes on either side of the road were each decorated with knot work similar to what was tattooed on her arm. It was then she noticed the people of Drahcir lining the road waiting for their first look at her. Their welcoming cheers and waves helped to ease her somewhat.