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Midnight's Seduction Page 6
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Page 6
The calm of the castle was replaced by thick traffic and so many voices it was hard to hear anything. Saffron looked around and smiled. London. She always loved to shop in London.
“Give us five hours,” Larena said as she kissed Fallon. “We’ll be waiting here for you.”
With a wink, Fallon was gone.
“I can’t tell you how convenient his power is,” Gwynn said.
They all laughed as they walked from between two buildings out onto the sidewalk.
“Where to first?” Dani asked.
Saffron took a second to get her bearings, then went left. “First stop, my bank. This isn’t just a pleasure trip for me. I have to be seen in person in order to halt my mother’s claim that I’m dead. There will be some forms I have to fill out from my attorney, which shouldn’t take too long. Second stop is a salon. I want a haircut.”
“Oh,” Larena said wistfully. “And I think I’ll get a manicure.”
“And a pedi,” Gwynn said with a smile.
Saffron hadn’t felt this free and sure of herself since she had first landed in Britain four years earlier. This time she had Druids with her, and a Warrior.
Even if the trip wasn’t just for fun, she wanted to be there. Being seen at the bank should put a permanent hold on her mother’s legal move to declare her deceased. It’s too bad Saffron wouldn’t be there to see her mother’s face when she got the news.
As she walked down the street with her friends, Saffron’s happiness edged away as she faced reality. She had said she needed to find herself, but no amount of shopping or new haircuts would help her with that. Only time would.
And even then Saffron wasn’t sure if she would ever find the peace and love she craved so desperately.
Camdyn knew the moment Saffron left the castle. He was fishing on the beach with both Hayden and Quinn when the feel of her magic simply vanished.
He went on as if nothing had occurred, because if there had been an accident, someone would have come and gotten them. At least that’s what he told himself, but he still found himself glancing up at the imposing structure of the castle as it rose from the cliffs.
“What’s wrong?” Hayden asked.
Camdyn shrugged. “Nothing.”
“You lie poorly,” Quinn said with a chuckle before he tossed the net out into the water.
Hayden had already been swimming in the cold depths of the sea and returned with several fish, but Quinn liked to do it the way he and his father had done.
Camdyn adjusted the net in his hands and turned to the side before tossing it out into the water and slowly pulling it back in. “I doona like waiting around is all.”
Hayden and Quinn looked at each other and laughed.
Camdyn rolled his eyes. “What now?”
“Have you always been such an awful liar?” Hayden asked with a wide smile and knowing gaze.
Camdyn knew he would have to give them the truth, or at least part of it. “I felt some magic leave.”
“Aye,” Hayden said with a nod. “Isla’s is gone.”
“So is Marcail’s,” Quinn said.
Camdyn looked at them with confusion. “And neither of you are worried?”
Hayden opened his mouth to answer when Fallon’s voice reached them from behind. “They needn’t be worried. Marcail and Isla went with Larena, Gwynn, Dani, and Saffron to London. To shop.”
Quinn shook his head. “I figured it was something like that.”
“Shouldn’t she have told you?” Camdyn asked. He was baffled by how nonchalant both Quinn and Hayden were, knowing that Deirdre and Declan were still a threat.
He’d expected them to at least go after their women.
Quinn glanced at him with a half smile. “I know Marcail would never put herself in danger. She normally tells me when she leaves, and though I’d like to know before my wife departs the castle, I know through the feel of her magic.”
“Saffron didna give them time to tell you or Hayden,” Fallon said. “She was bound and determined to leave.”
Camdyn’s gut clenched at Fallon’s words. The thought of never seeing Saffron again was like a sword slicing him in half.
“Why?” Hayden asked, his brow furrowed. “Surely she knows we need her magic.”
“She’s returning. Besides, there is the issue with her mother that has to be addressed, and Saffron knows this,” Fallon said.
Camdyn didn’t want to evaluate how much of his worry eased knowing Saffron wasn’t alone and that she was returning. Saffron was a distraction he didn’t need or want. Regardless of how the sight of her caused his body to flare with desire so great it left him gasping for breath.
“She’d already called a helicopter to pick her up,” Fallon said with a chuckle. “I took them instead. Despite all she’s been through, she’s kept her backbone.”
“Stubbornness is more like it,” Camdyn grumbled.
Hayden raised a brow. “I think ‘stubborn’ can be applied to every Druid in the castle.”
Camdyn glanced at Fallon. “She should have taken a Warrior with her.”
“She did. Larena. Or were you no’ listening?” Quinn asked.
Camdyn shook the net from the water and kept his gaze averted from the others. He shouldn’t be so upset that Saffron was gone. Except that he knew how much Declan wanted her ability as a Seer. He could very well capture her again.
“With Larena and the other Druids accompanying Saffron she’ll be kept safe, Camdyn,” Fallon said.
“I know.” He did know, and more than that he understood why she had to leave and prove she was alive and well.
“She’s been through hell. Literally,” Quinn said after a long moment of silence filled only by the crash of the waves. “Nothing here is hers.”
“That’s what Larena said,” Fallon replied.
Hayden nodded. “Saffron pretends everything is fine, but it isna. Declan’s magic may be out of her head, but what he did to her will live in her for a long time to come.”
“Add on top of that her mother trying to claim she’s dead, and us fighting Deirdre, and she’s keeping it together better than I would,” Quinn said.
“I agree. She’s strong, but I’d like for us to keep an eye on her just in case. Camdyn, you seem to have developed a link with her. Keep close to her,” Fallon said, and squatted down to pick up a rock. “You should’ve seen the excitement in her eyes when I left them in London. It lit up her entire face.”
Camdyn growled, hating the way his emotions were rioting inside him. He had seen many of Saffron’s false smiles. They were kind, but they didn’t fully reach her eyes. It was a rare thing when anyone saw true happiness on her face.
But then again, who could blame her after all she had been through?
“She’ll be back in a few hours,” Fallon said.
Camdyn looked at him. “Why are you telling me?”
Fallon shrugged nonchalantly before he jumped back to the castle. Quinn turned his head, but not before Camdyn saw his smile. The only one who would meet his gaze was Hayden.
“She’s pretty,” Hayden said. “And wounded. A woman like that could find herself leaning on a man who was willing.”
“Saffron doesna lean on anyone. She’s a strong woman.”
“Aye. So is Isla, but she does lean. And it’s a fabulous thing, Camdyn.”
Quinn nodded. “Oh, aye. A fabulous thing.”
“I seem to remember you warning me about love,” Hayden told Quinn with a lopsided grin.
Quinn threw back his head and laughed. “And look where that warning took you.”
“To the love of my life,” Hayden shouted to the sky with his arms wide.
Camdyn fiddled with the net, pretending there was a knot in it, when in fact there was a knot in his chest. The love of his life died hundreds of years ago. Not once in all that time had a woman ever snagged his attention.
Until Saffron.
He’d hoped it was sim
ply because he’d been the one to free her from Declan. Camdyn had been the only one who had been able to reach her through the magic of the prison.
He’d been the one to carry her from that evil place and to MacLeod Castle.
Could it have been the way she clung to him, her body thin and fragile as he held her? Could it have been the way she ducked her head against his shoulder to hide her tears? Could it have been the nights he had been compelled to pass by her chamber as she cried out from the nightmares?
Whatever it was, he was powerless to keep his distance.
He’d loved once before and had had his heart torn out. Camdyn never wanted to experience that kind of pain again. Ever.
“You’re awfully quiet,” Hayden said as he grinned at Camdyn. “Each Warrior is finding his mate. Do you fear you’ll be next?”
Camdyn looked up from the net as he went down on his haunches. “Nay,” he answered.
“Nay?” Quinn asked, his brows raised in question. “What makes you so sure? Love is no’ something you can run from, my friend.”
“Love is no’ for everyone. And I’ve already loved once.”
Hayden frowned, his smile gone. “I didna know.”
“It is in the past,” Camdyn said with a shrug. “Long ago.”
Quinn set aside his net and walked to stand between Hayden and Camdyn. “What happened to her?”
Camdyn briefly closed his eyes and let out a breath. “She died. In my arms. We had years together, but she aged while I stayed the same.”
“So she knew what you were?” Hayden asked.
“Aye. I showed her.”
Quinn shook his head. “How did you stay away from Deirdre and keep your female safe?”
“I got as far from Deirdre as I could. I was in the lowlands near the border with England,” Camdyn said and tossed aside the net. He stood and looked out over the sea.
Hayden clamped him on the shoulder. “You loved her verra much.”
Quinn crossed his arms over his chest and rocked back on his heels. “It doesna mean you can no’ love again.”
Camdyn looked at him. “If Marcail died, if you held her in your arms and watched the life drain from her, could you ever imagine loving again? I willna put myself through that kind of pain a second time.”
“But Isla’s magic prevents the Druids from aging,” Hayden quickly pointed out.
Camdyn released his god. Claws extended from his fingers and fangs filled his mouth. A glance down at his skin showed the same dark brown color as the earth.
He didn’t say another word to his friends as he bounded up the cliff until he landed in the snow. With memories of Allison churning inside him as well as thoughts of Saffron, Camdyn ran into the forest. He ran and ran and ran, never slowing, never looking back.
When he finally stopped, he put his hands on his knees and bent over, his head hanging. He had no idea how long he’d been gone, but he was miles from the castle.
Yet, the run had felt good. It was just the thing to calm him.
Camdyn straightened and looked around. He gazed up at the imposing mountain and the vast land laid out before him. His mind was still in a riot with thoughts of Saffron, and he wasn’t yet ready to return.
Instead, he walked. He kept the road at a distance and followed the mountain up and over. And then the next and the next, and the next. Until he realized most of the day had passed.
While he’d been walking, he had kept his mind blank and that had given him a measure of peace. Yet when he saw where the sun was, his first thought was to return to the castle and see Saffron.
Camdyn wished he knew what it was about her that drew him. With a resigned sigh he began to jog back to the castle. With his speed, it didn’t take him long to reach the outskirts of MacLeod land. He looked to the sky and saw the moon visible in the blue sky. It was too bad the full moon wasn’t that night because he was anxious to put an end to Deirdre.
Anxious and oh, so ready.
He slowed to a walk when he reached Isla’s shield hiding the castle. As soon as he walked through it, Saffron’s sweet, appealing magic slammed into him so hard Camdyn took a step back.
With a hand over his chest, he paused and let her magic surround him. Enfold him. Embrace him.
Her magic gripped him through his skin to his soul.
And how wonderful it felt. He hated that he yearned to feel her magic more and more each day. The more he felt it the more he wanted it. And the more he was becoming addicted to it.
A very dangerous thing, that.
It wasn’t just her magic he longed for either. It was her touch, a look, a smile. Anything.
And the more he fought to stay away from her, the more he felt himself being drawn to her. As if Fate were tugging an invisible line between him and Saffron, pulling them together.
He shook away such thoughts and continued on to the castle. It was a few hours before sunset and supper. He wanted a shower and maybe some time playing the Wii with Broc.
When Camdyn entered the castle, his gaze instantly found Saffron. And he stopped dead in his tracks.
Her hair, which had been all one length and reached midway down her back, had been cut to just below her shoulders. And wisps of hair now graced her forehead. Her nails had a pale pink color on them, but more than that, she was in clothes that made him all too aware of her curves and the woman that wore them.
As if he needed reminding of the desire she caused.
Before, when she was borrowing clothes, everything fit just a little too loosely on her and hid her mesmerizing body. The dark blue jeans she had on fit her to perfection, accentuating her buttocks and long legs.
But it was the dark purple shirt molded to her breasts and abdomen that made his cock instantly, painfully hard. The cream-colored cardigan she wore over the shirt only brought more attention to the full shape of her breasts and her small waist.
Arran let out a low, soft whistle as he came to stand beside Camdyn. “Damn. I always thought Saffron was pretty, but whatever she did in London has made her stunning.”
Camdyn moved closer to Saffron while she spoke with Cara and Reaghan and showed them the other things she had bought. He didn’t care about her clothes, he just wanted to see all the changes she had had done.
It was something besides her hair and the color on her fingernails. Camdyn looked at her from head to toe, and it wasn’t until his gaze moved back up her body that he realized what it was.
She had pink color on her eyelids and color on her cheeks. Even her eyelashes looked longer and thicker than before. And her lips! God help him, but the way her lips glistened made him want to taste her. A long, slow kiss or a hot, frenzied kiss. He didn’t care as long as he could feel her mouth beneath his.
Hayden and Quinn were suddenly on either side of him. Both men had their arms crossed over their chests and were staring at Saffron.
“I like the bangs,” Quinn said.
“Hm. The makeup is subtle but nice,” Hayden added.
Camdyn could take no more. If he didn’t leave he was going to do something crazy. Like kiss Saffron.
And kissing was definitely something he couldn’t do with her.
He started for the stairs, but as he passed her, she looked up, their eyes clashing. The way her lips subtly turned up in a smile made his blood sing.
She turned toward him, their hands grazing as he passed. Camdyn clenched his jaw and took the stairs three at a time while every instinct, every fiber of his being, urged him to kiss her.
Saffron nodded as she listened to whatever Cara was saying, but her words had faded away the moment she saw Camdyn enter the castle.
She had hastily looked away. Even now she pretended that she didn’t notice he was near. And watching her. She didn’t understand how her body and senses came alive anytime he was close. As if she were attuned to him on a level far deeper than normal people.
As much as she hated
it, she found herself wondering what he thought of her new haircut and the makeup and clothes. He came from medieval times, even though that was difficult to remember sometimes. Their women hadn’t worn makeup or cut their hair.
Saffron drew in a deep breath and smiled when Cara stroked her hand over the coral-colored cashmere sweater Saffron had purchased.
“It’s stunning,” Cara murmured.
Saffron shifted her gaze to Lucan who stood behind and to the side of Cara. Then she mouthed, “Remember this.”
Lucan nodded, a slow smile spreading over his handsome face before he stepped near Cara and wrapped his arms around her, nuzzling her neck.
Saffron’s clothes were soon forgotten as Cara and Lucan walked away.
“They’ve always been like that,” Marcail said.
Larena rolled her eyes and laughed. “The same can be said for you and Quinn.”
“And you and Fallon,” Saffron replied.
The two women looked at her, and Saffron shrugged. “I might have been blind, but the deep love between all of you can be felt through other senses.”
Marcail laughed and began to gather up bags. “Come on. I’ll help you carry up all these bags.”
“Don’t forget yours,” Larena called.
Gwynn hurried and snatched up her own bags. “Or yours, Larena.”
As the others walked away, Saffron could hold back no longer and looked at Camdyn. His emotions were closed off from her, but how she longed to know if he approved or not. She hadn’t done any of it for him. Yet, it would be nice to know a man appreciated her efforts.
And then Camdyn was coming toward her after something both Hayden and Quinn had said to him. She turned toward him, and just when she thought he would stop, he continued on. But not before their hands touched.
It was the simplest of touches, innocent and accidental. But the contact left her light-headed and aching for … more.
Saffron gathered up her bags and walked up the stairs. She waited until she was in her room and everyone else had deposited her bags and left before she slumped against the door.
It had been exhausting going out, but it had felt magnificent. Her eyes hurt from everything, and her feet couldn’t wait to get out of the heels. She had bought entirely too much in the way of clothes and shoes. And jewelry and makeup. And even soap and shampoo.